
Dataset permissions required for App report in Power BI? What am I missing???

Struggling with Power BI App permissions when using shared datasets? Adam looks at how this works. Even for PRO users!!! Composit model permission blog (Older information): https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/update-to-required-permissions-when-using-composite-models-on-a-power-bi-dataset/

Dataset permissions required for App report in Power BI? What am I missing???2023-03-09T09:31:39-05:00

Why and how to use data protection in Power BI

Data protection in Power BI can help you to prevent data leakage and have confidence in your data approach. Adam explores the data protection capabilities within Power BI using security labels and cloud app security. Data Protection documentation overview Licensing Requirements Release Plan (Roadmap item) - What's coming

Why and how to use data protection in Power BI2020-10-22T06:30:42-05:00

Power BI Publish to Web can be SCARY!?!

Some don't realize that Power BI Publish to Web is not secure. Adam shows you that this is the case. It's a bit scary and there are other options to have secure embedding. Two Alex's Video Patrick's SharePoint video Publish to Web Admin Setting Publish to Web Documentation

Power BI Publish to Web can be SCARY!?!2020-09-24T06:46:31-05:00

Power BI Desktop, KPIs, Colors and more… (Roundup | Aug 24, 2020)

Thanks for watching this week's Power BI news roundup! Live Stream Clip: https://guyinacu.be/clip002 Patrick's tech video: https://guyinacu.be/powerpivottrace Adam's tech video: https://guyinacu.be/trialtenant 🔴 Live Replay: https://guyinacu.be/live022 📢 Become a member: https://guyinacu.be/membership Sources Displaying Routes On A Map In Power BI (@cwebb_bi) Creating KPIs in Power BI Desktop (@FerrariAlberto) Fun with Power BI and [...]

Power BI Desktop, KPIs, Colors and more… (Roundup | Aug 24, 2020)2020-08-24T07:28:22-05:00

Power BI Row-Level Security And Where To Filter

In this video, Patrick looks at Power BI Row-Level Security And where to filter. He found that, after applying dynamic security, customers showed up in a slicer when they should not have. Challenge accepted! He walks through Power BI Desktop to show how he fixed his Row-Level Security problem.

Power BI Row-Level Security And Where To Filter2018-07-11T10:05:31-05:00

PASS Summit 2016 / SQL Clinic Recap

Last week was PASS Summit 2016, and I spent a lot of time in the SQL Clinic answer your questions! I wanted to highlight a few of the questions that I was asked in the Clinic and share that out with everyone. PASS Summit 2016 / #SQLFamily montage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R2wL1oMFrg Questions: 1. Can you use a [...]

PASS Summit 2016 / SQL Clinic Recap2016-11-01T13:25:08-05:00
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