
ChatGPT blew my mind with this Power BI scenario

Our minds were blown by this ChatGPT example for Power BI from our friends Stephanie Bruno and Shannon Lindsay! Use ChatGPT to help get you pointed in the right direction and with a faster solution. Power BI datasets CI/CD (the easy-ish way) https://data-witches.com/2023/03/31/power-bi-datasets-ci-cd-the-easy-ish-way/ Stephanie Bruno https://twitter.com/StephTBruno https://www.linkedin.com/in/brunostephanie/ https://data-witches.com Shannon Lindsay https://twitter.com/shan_gsd https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannonrlindsay/ https://data-witches.com

ChatGPT blew my mind with this Power BI scenario2023-04-18T06:37:13-05:00

Call any Power BI REST API with PowerShell

Not sure what a REST API is? Or what you can do with them in Power BI? Find out how you can easily take advantage of them without having to write a bunch of code. Use PowerShell instead! REST API Reference Documentation https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/power-bi/ Power BI PowerShell Reference Documentation https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/power-bi/overview Use Microsoft Flow, and other options, [...]

Call any Power BI REST API with PowerShell2021-12-02T07:40:47-05:00

Power BI Service Principals 101

Service principals can be very useful when working with Power BI. From Power BI Embedded, to API and PowerShell. Adam breaks down how to get going with Power BI service principals.

Power BI Service Principals 1012020-11-12T06:28:03-05:00

Power BI REST API no-code options

Adam shows how you can use the Power BI REST API without writing any code. Then takes it to the next level with PowerShell. Power BI REST API Reference - https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/power-bi/ Power BI PowerShell reference - https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/power-bi/overview?view=powerbi-ps Blog describing $expand use - https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/avoiding-workspace-loops-by-expanding-navigation-properties-in-the-getgroupsasadmin-api/ Download sample PowerShell script Want to download the sample PowerShell script? Hit [...]

Power BI REST API no-code options2019-07-17T10:05:02-05:00

Power BI Admin, Gateways, Heatmaps and more… (April 29, 2019)

Thanks for watching this week's Power BI news roundup! Last weeks roundup: https://guyinacu.be/roundup135 2 Minute Tuesday: https://guyinacu.be/reportbackground Patrick's tech video: https://guyinacu.be/slicerperf Adam's tech video: https://guyinacu.be/nextlevelbutton Sources Creating a Table Heatmap in Power BI (@HavensBI) Using The “Skip Test Connection” Option For Power BI Data Sources To Avoid Scheduled Refresh Failures (@cwebb_bi) Announcing Query Caching in [...]

Power BI Admin, Gateways, Heatmaps and more… (April 29, 2019)2019-04-29T10:05:03-05:00

Easily get an access token for the Power BI Embedded Playground

You need an Embed Token for the Power BI Embedded Playground, but you don't want to write code. Adam shows you how to easily get an access token with no code using PowerShell. Power BI Embedded Playground Power BI REST API Embed Token API Power BI PowerShell CMDLET

Easily get an access token for the Power BI Embedded Playground2019-04-04T10:05:18-05:00

Disable free signups in the Power BI service

Learn how you can block free signups for the Power BI service. Free signups are also what are referred to as viral signups. This action can affect more than just Power BI, so be careful.

Disable free signups in the Power BI service2019-02-14T10:05:13-05:00

Create a Power BI streaming dataset for real-time dashboards

In this video, Patrick looks at how to create a Power BI streaming dataset and use that to create a real-time dashboard. You can easily use something like PowerShell to push data into the Power BI streaming dataset. Demo files

Create a Power BI streaming dataset for real-time dashboards2019-02-06T10:05:15-05:00

Create mail-enabled security groups to use in Power BI via PowerShell

In this video, Adam looks at how you can create mail-enabled security groups via PowerShell and copy members from an Office 365 Unified group into that new group. This came about based on a limitation that within Power BI, you can't list O365 Unified groups (what back App workspaces) from the people picker for access [...]

Create mail-enabled security groups to use in Power BI via PowerShell2017-11-28T11:57:29-05:00

Automating Power BI License Assignment with PowerShell – Extra Options!

I posted a video on the Power BI YouTube channel for using PowerShel and the Audit log to assign Power BI Pro licenses. In this video, I give you a few other options instead of automating off of the audit log. Main video: Using Power BI Audit Log and PowerShell to assign Power BI Pro [...]

Automating Power BI License Assignment with PowerShell – Extra Options!2017-01-12T15:14:33-05:00
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