Data Tuesday Videos2023-06-21T08:16:28-05:00

Tuesday – Data Tuesday

Every Tuesday we have videos related today. These will focus on Azure Synapse Analytics and related technologies such as Azure Data Explorer (Kusto) and more…

A Few Ways GENERATE_SERIES Will Revolutionize Your Microsoft Fabric Warehouse Experience

Want to create a series of data within a Microsoft Fabric Warehouse? Patrick looks at how GENERATE_SERIES can help you instead of doing INSERT after INSERT which doesn't perform well. Scripts: https://github.com/guyinacube/demo-files/blob/master/video%20demos/Fabric/20241017%20-%20Generate%20Series.zip GENERATE_SERIES (Transact-SQL) https://learn.microsoft.com/sql/t-sql/functions/generate-series-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver16 [...]

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