
Enabling Power BI Paginated Report Drill!

Power BI paginated reports support drillthrough! Patrick walks you through how to configure the reports within Report Builder to get them working. Drillthrough reports in a paginated report (Power BI Report Builder) https://learn.microsoft.com/power-bi/paginated-reports/report-design/drillthrough-reports-report-builder

Enabling Power BI Paginated Report Drill!2023-08-16T06:56:32-05:00

Publish/Migrate your RDL files from Power BI Report Server to the service

Using on-premises Power BI Report Server? You can now migrate your paginated RDL reports to the Power BI service from within the portal. Patrick shows you how! Plan to migrate .rdl reports to Power BI https://learn.microsoft.com/power-bi/guidance/migrate-ssrs-reports-to-power-bi Blog Announcement: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/blog/power-bi-report-server-january-2023-feature-summary/#post-21998-_Toc121395751 Public RDL files to Power BI https://learn.microsoft.com/power-bi/guidance/publish-reporting-services-power-bi-service?tabs=powerbi-report-server

Publish/Migrate your RDL files from Power BI Report Server to the service2023-02-15T07:20:36-05:00

Allow users to Show and Hide columns in a Power BI Paginated report!

In a Power BI Paginated Report, you can allow your report consumers to customize what they see in the report such as which columns they want in their table or matrix. Patrick shows you how! Sample RDLs: https://github.com/guyinacube/demo-files/blob/master/video%20demos/RDL/20230118%20-%20Paginated%20Show%20Hide%20Columns.zip

Allow users to Show and Hide columns in a Power BI Paginated report!2023-01-18T07:26:47-05:00

Select All items for Parameters in Power BI Paginated reports

Ever struggled with trying to get a parameter to select all items by default in a Power BI Paginated report? Patrick walks you through how to get this working! Create parameters for paginated reports in the Power BI service https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/paginated-reports/paginated-reports-parameters

Select All items for Parameters in Power BI Paginated reports2022-08-19T07:05:28-05:00

Is a parameter filtered in Power BI Paginated Reports???

How do you know if a parameter was filtered in your Power BI Paginated Reports? Was a slicer used in the Power BI report that is using the Paginated visual? Adam shows you a way you can find out! Create and use the paginated report visual https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/visuals/paginated-report-visual ISFILTERED Reference https://dax.guide/isfiltered/ ALLSELECTED Reference https://dax.guide/allselected/

Is a parameter filtered in Power BI Paginated Reports???2022-02-03T08:59:38-05:00

Create a date range parameter with Power BI Paginated Reports

How do you do a date range with the Paginated visual used with Power BI Paginated Reports? Adam shows you how to get a date range going without passing every day's value within the range. Create and use the paginated report visual https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/visuals/paginated-report-visual

Create a date range parameter with Power BI Paginated Reports2022-01-27T08:53:55-05:00

How Parameters work with the Power BI Paginated Visual

Parameters for the Power BI Paginated visual can give you a lot of flexibility. Adam walks you through how to set up the parameters and breaks down what is actually happening with the values. Create and use the paginated report visual https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/visuals/paginated-report-visual

How Parameters work with the Power BI Paginated Visual2022-01-26T07:14:40-05:00

Highlight a row in a Power BI Paginated report

You may have struggled getting a whole row to highlight in a Power BI report. Patrick shows you how you could do this with a Paginated report easily. Paginated Samples: https://github.com/microsoft/Reporting-Services

Highlight a row in a Power BI Paginated report2022-08-19T07:01:40-05:00

Bringing Paginated into Power BI reports – INSANE AMAZING!

It's here! Have a look at the Power BI Paginated visual for your Power BI Reports! It adds additional flexibility for displaying data as well as providing easy export options if that's your jam. Blog Announcement: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/paginated-report-visual-for-power-bi-reports-is-now-available-in-public-preview/ Documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/visuals/paginated-report-visual BIFOCAL Show Podcast: https://bifocal.show/ Jason Himmelstein's white paper: https://sharepointlonghorn.com/the-new-paginated-report-visual-is-here/

Bringing Paginated into Power BI reports – INSANE AMAZING!2021-08-04T07:11:08-05:00

Getting started with Power BI Paginated Reports (2021)

Not sure what Power BI Paginated Reports are or how to use them? Patrick walks you through and points you to some great resources to get up and running quickly. Power BI Paginated Reports require either Power BI Premium Per User or Power BI Premium capacity. References Paginated Report In a Day Training Paginated Samples [...]

Getting started with Power BI Paginated Reports (2021)2021-01-13T08:02:05-05:00
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