
Call any Power BI REST API with PowerShell

Not sure what a REST API is? Or what you can do with them in Power BI? Find out how you can easily take advantage of them without having to write a bunch of code. Use PowerShell instead! REST API Reference Documentation https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/power-bi/ Power BI PowerShell Reference Documentation https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/power-bi/overview Use Microsoft Flow, and other options, [...]

Call any Power BI REST API with PowerShell2021-12-02T07:40:47-05:00

Lots of Power BI tips… (Roundup | February 10, 2020)

Thanks for watching this week's Power BI news roundup! Last weeks roundup: https://guyinacu.be/roundup166 2 Minute Tuesday: https://guyinacu.be/legend Patrick's tech video: https://guyinacu.be/createkeys Adam's tech video: https://guyinacu.be/publishtoweb 📢 Become a member: https://guyinacu.be/membership Sources Creating a MTD/QTD/YTD Time Intelligence Slicer in Power BI (@HavensBI) Power BI Quick Tip: Use Windows Shortcuts to Open Power BI [...]

Lots of Power BI tips… (Roundup | February 10, 2020)2020-02-09T19:31:39-05:00

Football, Power BI Desktop update and more… (Roundup | September 16, 2019)

Thanks for watching this week's Power BI news roundup! Last weeks roundup: https://guyinacu.be/roundup153a 2 Minute Tuesday: https://guyinacu.be/clearmodelcache Patrick's tech video: https://guyinacu.be/nativequery Adam's tech video: https://guyinacu.be/vcorepool Guy in a Cube courses: https://guyinacu.be/courses Sources Yes, Power BI Can Do THIS: Free, Interactive NFL Stats (@PowerPivotPro) Announcing the Microsoft Business Applications October Virtual Launch Event [...]

Football, Power BI Desktop update and more… (Roundup | September 16, 2019)2019-09-15T20:48:03-05:00

Power BI is killing it, developer updates, a contest and more… (August 5, 2019)

Thanks for watching this week's Power BI news roundup! Last weeks roundup: https://guyinacu.be/roundup147 Tech video: https://guyinacu.be/sirishortcuts Sources Differences between Power BI Apps and Workspaces (@CurbalEN) Why Power BI Shared Datasets are Critical to a Self-Service BI Implementation (@sqlchick) Microsoft a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise BI Platforms Power BI Developer community [...]

Power BI is killing it, developer updates, a contest and more… (August 5, 2019)2019-08-04T11:39:35-05:00

Power BI report tooltips, conditional formatting, Template apps and more… (February 25, 2019)

Thanks for watching this week's Power BI news roundup! Last weeks roundup 2 Minute Tuesday Patrick's tech video Adam's tech video Sources Show Me the Biggest Number! Conditional Formatting in Power BI (@Rad_Reza) Creating Report Tooltips in Power BI (@HavensConsulti1) Displaying filter context in Power BI Tooltips (@marcorus) Insights made easy with Power BI Template [...]

Power BI report tooltips, conditional formatting, Template apps and more… (February 25, 2019)2019-02-25T10:05:16-05:00

Power BI Slicers, Dataflows, Personal Bookmarks and more… (January 21, 2019)

Another week, another roundup! Some good updates in this weeks video. Grab a coffee (or tea) and pull up to get the latest about #PowerBI ?? Are Power BI Slicers Still Relevant with the New Filter Pane? (@dataveld) Power BI Data Privacy Levels And Cloud /Web-Based Data Sources Or Dataflows (@cwebb_bi) Power BI Developer community [...]

Power BI Slicers, Dataflows, Personal Bookmarks and more… (January 21, 2019)2019-01-21T10:05:38-05:00

Design Power BI reports, Data Warehouse updates and more… (October 15, 2018)

Visually Appealing Power BI Reports (@ExceleratorBI) So, You’re Getting a Data Warehouse for Power BI… (@PowerPivotPro) Power BI Developer community September update Deep dive in the organizational custom visuals POLITICO Europe bets on Microsoft Power BI to report on the European Union Elections BONUS ITEMS: SIMPLE STEPS TO EMBED IMAGES IN POWER BI (@ZacharyConroe) Loading [...]

Design Power BI reports, Data Warehouse updates and more… (October 15, 2018)2018-10-15T10:05:34-05:00
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