Tuesday – Data Tuesday
Every Tuesday we have videos related today. These will focus on Azure Synapse Analytics and related technologies such as Azure Data Explorer (Kusto) and more…
Understanding Gateway Clusters in Microsoft Fabric
Concerned about high availability of your On-Premises Data Gateway within Microsoft Fabric? Gateway clusters are a way of ensuring you can process data for sources going through a gateway. What is an on-premises data gateway? [...]
A look at the Microsoft Fabric Admin Portal
New to Microsoft Fabric Administration? Here is a look at the Admin Portal and how you can manage Microsoft Fabric along with what roles you need to be in. What is the admin portal? https://learn.microsoft.com/fabric/admin/admin-center [...]
Get started with the On-Premises Data Gateway in Microsoft Fabric
Trying to leverage on-premises data? Can't connect to a cloud source because of firewalls or private networks? Learn how you can use the On-Premises Data Gateway with Microsoft Fabric to get the data you need! [...]
Get a custom endpoint without creating an EventHub for EventStreams
No need to create a custom event hub when leveraging eventstreams in Microsoft Fabric. Just create a custom endpoint instead! Patrick shows you how. Add custom endpoint source to an eventstream https://learn.microsoft.com/fabric/real-time-intelligence/event-streams/add-source-custom-app?pivots=enhanced-capabilities
Update Data Sources within Deployment Pipelines
Making use of a Deployment Pipeline within Microsoft Fabric? Not sure how to update data sources for your Power BI semantic model as you move through stages? Adam has you covered! Get started with deployment [...]
Reframe your Power BI Direct Lake Semantic Model
Want to know how to make sure you see the latest data when using Direct Lake in your Power BI semantic models? Patrick shows you two options you have and looks at the concept of [...]