
Highlight a row in a Power BI Paginated report

You may have struggled getting a whole row to highlight in a Power BI report. Patrick shows you how you could do this with a Paginated report easily. Paginated Samples: https://github.com/microsoft/Reporting-Services

Highlight a row in a Power BI Paginated report2022-08-19T07:01:40-05:00

Paginated vs. Mobile reports in Reporting Services

I look at the difference between paginated and mobile reports within Reporting Services 2016. Mobile reports are new with SQL Server Reporting Services 2016 and you may be confused as to what they are as compared to paginated reports. Paginated Reports Paginated reports are operational reports that allow for a more traditional report experience. Mobile [...]

Paginated vs. Mobile reports in Reporting Services2016-06-07T20:14:24-05:00
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