
Create a Power BI streaming dataset for real-time dashboards

In this video, Patrick looks at how to create a Power BI streaming dataset and use that to create a real-time dashboard. You can easily use something like PowerShell to push data into the Power BI streaming dataset. Demo files

Create a Power BI streaming dataset for real-time dashboards2019-02-06T10:05:15-05:00

3 steps to pin Reporting Services visuals to a Power BI Dashboard

In this video, I show how you can configure Reporting Services to integrate with Power BI and then pin visualizations from a paginated report to a Power BI dashboard. There are three main steps you have to do to get this to work. Register with Power BI in Reporting Services Individual user sign in Pinning [...]

3 steps to pin Reporting Services visuals to a Power BI Dashboard2016-11-29T13:08:56-05:00
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