
Finish the Puzzle: Querying Power BI Semantic Models with Semantic Link!

Want to use notebooks to leverage data from a Power BI semantic model (dataset)? Maybe you're a data scientist wanting to augment your models with that data, or maybe you just want to validate stuff as a Power BI developer. Semantic Link (or Sempy) can help! What is semantic link? https://learn.microsoft.com/fabric/data-science/semantic-link-overview Tutorial: Clean data with [...]

Finish the Puzzle: Querying Power BI Semantic Models with Semantic Link!2023-10-19T07:52:14-05:00

Editing your Direct Lake Datasets from Tabular Editor? Yes please!

Wanting to edit your Direct Lake Power BI Dataset in Microsoft Fabric? Now writing via the XMLA endpoint is supported. Patrick shows you how to use tools to modify. Announcing XMLA Write support for Direct Lake datasets https://blog.fabric.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/announcing-xmla-write-support-for-direct-lake-datasets?ft=All Dataset connectivity with the XMLA endpoint https://learn.microsoft.com/power-bi/enterprise/service-premium-connect-tools

Editing your Direct Lake Datasets from Tabular Editor? Yes please!2023-09-21T08:46:14-05:00

Using Microsoft Fabric Workspaces (Power BI and more!)

Workspaces are a way to organize and manage content within Microsoft Fabric. This includes Power BI content. Adam walks you through what Workspaces are all about and different options available. Workspaces https://learn.microsoft.com/fabric/get-started/workspaces Roles in workspaces in Microsoft Fabric https://learn.microsoft.com/fabric/get-started/roles-workspaces Workspaces in Power BI https://learn.microsoft.com/power-bi/collaborate-share/service-new-workspaces

Using Microsoft Fabric Workspaces (Power BI and more!)2023-09-19T22:52:07-05:00

Creating your first Data Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric

It's time to show the Data Warehouse within Microsoft Fabric some love! Patrick walks you through how you can get started with your first Data Warehouse using Data Pipelines. What is data warehousing in Microsoft Fabric? https://learn.microsoft.com/fabric/data-warehouse/data-warehousing Microsoft Fabric decision guide: data warehouse or lakehouse https://learn.microsoft.com/fabric/get-started/decision-guide-warehouse-lakehouse?toc=%2Ffabric%2Fdata-warehouse%2Ftoc.json&bc=%2Ffabric%2Fdata-warehouse%2Ftoc.json Data warehouse tutorial introduction https://learn.microsoft.com/fabric/data-warehouse/tutorial-introduction Ingest data into the [...]

Creating your first Data Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric2023-09-05T06:47:28-05:00

Wait! We can use Databricks data with Microsoft Fabric???

Ready to learn how you can use Databricks with Microsoft Fabric? Patrick shows you how you can integrate the data and enable the MAGIC of Fabric while leveraging your existing Databricks implementation. Using Azure Databricks with Microsoft Fabric and OneLake https://blog.fabric.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/using-azure-databricks-with-microsoft-fabric-and-onelake

Wait! We can use Databricks data with Microsoft Fabric???2023-08-30T06:37:19-05:00

The POWER of shortcuts in Microsoft Fabric

We feel shortcuts are one of the most power capabilities within OneLake in Microsoft Fabric! Adam walks through what these are and how you can use them. OneLake shortcuts https://learn.microsoft.com/fabric/onelake/onelake-shortcuts Create an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 shortcut https://learn.microsoft.com/fabric/onelake/create-adls-shortcut

The POWER of shortcuts in Microsoft Fabric2023-08-29T07:43:03-05:00

Power BI has Copilot already? For DAX it does!

We saw the video for Copilot in Microsoft Fabric. Copilot for Power BI is coming! But is it here already? Patrick shows one Copilot experience that's already in Power BI Desktop! Quick measure suggestions https://learn.microsoft.com/power-bi/transform-model/quick-measure-suggestions

Power BI has Copilot already? For DAX it does!2023-08-22T17:09:24-05:00

Get your measures organized in Power BI

As you make more measures in your Power BI Dataset, it can get hard to find the one you need. Sure you can use search... But you can also organize your measures to make it easier to find them. Patrick shows you how!

Get your measures organized in Power BI2023-08-22T15:54:54-05:00
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