
The MAGIC of Power BI in PowerPoint!

There were some recent updates to the storytelling experience in PowerPoint with Power BI. Patrick walks through how you can use these to make the most of PowerPoint and Power BI! About storytelling with Power BI in PowerPoint https://learn.microsoft.com/power-bi/collaborate-share/service-power-bi-powerpoint-add-in-about

The MAGIC of Power BI in PowerPoint!2023-07-12T08:08:44-05:00

Leveraging OneLake Explorer – The OneDrive of Data! (Microsoft Fabric)

It's been said that OneLake is the OneDrive of data in Microsoft Fabric! OneLake Explorer makes that even more so. Patrick walks you through how this works and how you can leverage it today! OneLake File Explorer https://learn.microsoft.com/fabric/onelake/onelake-file-explorer

Leveraging OneLake Explorer – The OneDrive of Data! (Microsoft Fabric)2023-07-11T07:46:13-05:00
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