
🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (Dec 17, 2022) (Member Chat 2nd Half)

Join us live as we answer your questions about Power BI! 💥 30 minutes: Open Q&A (Public) 💥 Then... Members Only Chat (Public can watch & Super Chat for Questions) 📢 RULES FOR Q&A: 📢 👉 Put a "Q:" in front of your comment to help us identify questions! 👉 Super chats take priority 👉 [...]

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (Dec 17, 2022) (Member Chat 2nd Half)2022-12-16T06:19:15-05:00

Build a Slicer Panel in Power BI (2022/2023)

Let's look at how to build a slicer panel in your Power BI Report! This can help to reduce visuals on the canvas and also make for an app like experience. There are some things to think about though. For a trip down memory lane, here's Adam's 2019 Slicer Panel Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xy9nmSQeUWg

Build a Slicer Panel in Power BI (2022/2023)2022-12-15T07:57:26-05:00

A Power Query tip for you

You probably know that you can concatenate strings in Power Query. Not big news there. But do you know how to change the order of how things are concatenated? Patrick shows you how!

A Power Query tip for you2022-12-14T07:15:12-05:00

Get your SQL Queries using Profiler in Azure Data Studio

Still using the older SQL Profiler? Patrick looks at how you can use the Profiler within Azure Data Studio to capture SQL queries from SQL Server or Azure SQL Database with just a few clicks.

Get your SQL Queries using Profiler in Azure Data Studio2022-12-13T06:57:28-05:00

Can you make a two-line dynamic title in Power BI?

Dynamic titles in Power BI can be really useful. What about a multi-line title? Patrick is answering a commenter's question on how to create a two-line dynamic title! Dynamic Titles in Power BI Desktop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYLKDPcvgK8

Can you make a two-line dynamic title in Power BI?2022-12-07T07:41:47-05:00

Can you use SQL Auth with Azure Synapse Serverless?

When using Azure Synapse Analytics Serverless Pools, using Azure AD auth is pretty simple. But, what about SQL Auth? How do you get hat working? Patrick shows you how! Control storage account access for serverless SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/synapse-analytics/sql/develop-storage-files-storage-access-control?tabs=managed-identity Sample Script: https://github.com/guyinacube/demo-files/blob/master/video%20demos/Synapse/20221206%20-%20Connect%20to%20Serverless%20-%20Security%20Script.sql

Can you use SQL Auth with Azure Synapse Serverless?2022-12-06T09:19:03-05:00
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