
What’s up with the different JOINS in Azure SQL and Azure Synapse?

Not sure what the different JOINs mean in Azure Synapse Analytics and Azure SQL Database? Patrick walks you through the different types to get you on the right path! Joins (SQL Server) https://docs.microsoft.com/sql/relational-databases/performance/joins?view=sql-server-ver16

What’s up with the different JOINS in Azure SQL and Azure Synapse?2022-06-28T08:00:30-05:00

Why can’t Power BI connect to my cloud source???

You have a cloud data source like Azure SQL Database. Why can't Power BI connect to it? They are both in the cloud! Adam shows you some things to consider and options you have! What is an on-premises data gateway? https://docs.microsoft.com/data-integration/gateway/service-gateway-onprem What is a virtual network (VNet) data gateway? https://docs.microsoft.com/data-integration/vnet/overview

Why can’t Power BI connect to my cloud source???2022-06-23T10:01:07-05:00

From Decomposition Tree to Details in Power BI!!!

The Decomposition Tree is an amazing visual but how can we get to the details. Where's my drill through? Patrick walks you through how you can set this up in Power BI Desktop! Create and view decomposition tree visuals in Power BI https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/visuals/power-bi-visualization-decomposition-tree Set up drillthrough in Power BI reports https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/create-reports/desktop-drillthrough Wyn Hopkins https://twitter.com/wynhopkins

From Decomposition Tree to Details in Power BI!!!2022-06-22T09:03:00-05:00

Modern Data Lakehouse? Where do you even start??? Azure Synapse of course!

Trying to get started with a Modern Data Lakehouse? There are so many options today. Where do you even begin? Patrick and Stijn help you get a handle on it with Azure Synapse Analytics! Stijn Wynants https://twitter.com/SQLStijn Building a Modern Lakehouse Data Warehouse with Azure Synapse Analytics: Moving your Database to the lake https://sql-stijn.com/2022/06/14/building-a-modern-lakehouse-data-warehouse-with-azure-synapse-analytics-moving-your-database-to-the-lake/ Pipelines [...]

Modern Data Lakehouse? Where do you even start??? Azure Synapse of course!2022-06-21T08:40:18-05:00

Publish from Power BI Desktop for External Users

Have you ever wanted to publish from Power BI Desktop to a different organization? External Users publishing!!! Adam shows you how you can log in as an external user in Power BI Desktop and then publish. BANANAS!!! Ross Couldrey LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosscouldrey/ Distribute Power BI content to external guest users using Azure Active Directory B2B https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/guidance/whitepaper-azure-b2b-power-bi

Publish from Power BI Desktop for External Users2022-06-16T07:55:32-05:00

What tool do you use to optimize your Power BI dataset?

Need some help optimizing your Power BI Dataset but don't want to hand over your Power BI Desktop file? Patrick shows you some tools to get information to help with optimizing assistance! These are tools we use EVERYDAY! DAX Studio https://daxstudio.org/ Bravo for Power BI https://bravo.bi/ Tabular Editor 3 https://tabulareditor.com/

What tool do you use to optimize your Power BI dataset?2022-06-15T07:54:00-05:00

What are the main tools for Azure Synapse and SQL???

Getting started with Azure Synapse Analytics or Azure SQL Database? Or even Microsoft SQL Server in general? Patrick shows you how to use some of the common tools and be able to connect to your instance! Download SQL Server Management Studio https://docs.microsoft.com/sql/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-ssms Download and install Azure Data Studio https://docs.microsoft.com/sql/azure-data-studio/download-azure-data-studio

What are the main tools for Azure Synapse and SQL???2022-06-14T07:19:11-05:00

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (June 11, 2022) (Member Chat 2nd Half)

Join us live as we answer your questions about Power BI! 💥 30 minutes: Open Q&A (Public) 💥 Then... Members Only Chat (Public can watch & Super Chat for Questions) 📢 RULES FOR Q&A: 📢 👉 Put a "Q:" in front of your comment to help us identify questions! 👉 Super chats take priority 👉 [...]

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (June 11, 2022) (Member Chat 2nd Half)2022-08-21T14:49:10-05:00

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (June 4, 2022) (Member Chat 2nd Half)

Join us live as we answer your questions about Power BI! 💥 30 minutes: Open Q&A (Public) 💥 Then... Members Only Chat (Public can watch & Super Chat for Questions) 📢 RULES FOR Q&A: 📢 👉 Put a "Q:" in front of your comment to help us identify questions! 👉 Super chats take priority 👉 [...]

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (June 4, 2022) (Member Chat 2nd Half)2022-08-21T14:49:11-05:00

Answering your datamart questions

You've got a LOT of questions about datamarts in Power BI! Adam answers a few that we've seen popping up. Giving his thoughts on these questions. Introduction to datamarts https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/transform-model/datamarts/datamarts-overview Comparing dataflows to datamarts https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/transform-model/datamarts/datamarts-overview#comparing-dataflows-to-datamarts When to use dataflows https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/transform-model/dataflows/dataflows-introduction-self-service#when-to-use-dataflows

Answering your datamart questions2022-06-02T07:00:21-05:00
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