
Create a date range parameter with Power BI Paginated Reports

How do you do a date range with the Paginated visual used with Power BI Paginated Reports? Adam shows you how to get a date range going without passing every day's value within the range. Create and use the paginated report visual https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/visuals/paginated-report-visual

Create a date range parameter with Power BI Paginated Reports2022-01-27T08:53:55-05:00

How Parameters work with the Power BI Paginated Visual

Parameters for the Power BI Paginated visual can give you a lot of flexibility. Adam walks you through how to set up the parameters and breaks down what is actually happening with the values. Create and use the paginated report visual https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/visuals/paginated-report-visual

How Parameters work with the Power BI Paginated Visual2022-01-26T07:14:40-05:00

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (Jan 22, 2022) (Member Chat 2nd Half)

Join us live as we answer your questions about Power BI! 💥 30 minutes: Open Q&A (Public) 💥 Then... Members Only Chat (Public can watch & Super Chat for Questions) 📢 RULES FOR Q&A: 📢 👉 Put a "Q:" in front of your comment to help us identify questions! 👉 Super chats take priority [...]

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (Jan 22, 2022) (Member Chat 2nd Half)2022-08-21T14:50:05-05:00

How we optimize Power Query and Power BI Dataflows

Let's go into Adam's mind as he optimizes Power Query to make some Power BI Dataflows run faster to avoid resource usage. The result is INSANE AMAZING! Power Query M function reference https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerquery-m/power-query-m-function-reference

How we optimize Power Query and Power BI Dataflows2022-01-20T07:30:37-05:00

Power BI Premium Gen2 updates (January 2022)

There are some updates for Power BI Premium Gen2 you should know about! Adam talks about the upcoming migration date and more! Are you ready for Gen2? Plan your transition to Power BI Premium Gen2 https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/admin/service-premium-transition-gen1-to-gen2 Install the Gen2 metrics app https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/admin/service-premium-install-gen2-app Use the Gen2 metrics app https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/admin/service-premium-gen2-metrics-app

Power BI Premium Gen2 updates (January 2022)2022-01-19T07:45:40-05:00

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (Jan 15, 2022) (Member Chat 2nd Half)

Join us live as we answer your questions about Power BI! 💥 30 minutes: Open Q&A (Public) 💥 Then... Members Only Chat (Public can watch & Super Chat for Questions) 📢 RULES FOR Q&A: 📢 👉 Put a "Q:" in front of your comment to help us identify questions! 👉 Super chats take priority [...]

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (Jan 15, 2022) (Member Chat 2nd Half)2022-08-21T14:50:06-05:00

Combining refresh and real time with Hybrid Tables in Power BI

Tired of having to wait for the next refresh to see current data in your Power BI Report? Hybrid Tables is here to help you! Patrick looks at how you can use this feature to have an imported table that uses DirectQuery for the most recent data that hasn't been imported yet. BANANAS! Announcement Blog: [...]

Combining refresh and real time with Hybrid Tables in Power BI2022-08-19T07:01:36-05:00

Add a little info to your Sparkline in Power BI

Have you checked out sparklines in Power BI? Patrick explores how to set them up and also how you can be creative with them to add additional context to your reports! KPI Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHzSBNES6jE

Add a little info to your Sparkline in Power BI2022-01-12T08:51:46-05:00

Exploring Streaming Dataflows in Power BI

Are you wanting to use streaming data? Patrick looks at Streaming Dataflows! A new way to integrate streaming data into your Power BI reports! Streaming dataflows (preview) https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/transform-model/dataflows/dataflows-streaming

Exploring Streaming Dataflows in Power BI2021-12-28T09:49:30-05:00
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