
Intro to Python in Power BI

Using Python and curious how to use it with Power BI? Patrick explores how you can do just that! Python + Power BI can be a powerful combination. Power BI Python documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/connect-data/service-python-packages-support Seaborn Tutorials: https://seaborn.pydata.org/tutorial.html

Intro to Python in Power BI2021-06-22T04:23:58-05:00

Natives Queries or ODBC with Incremental Refresh in Power BI

Are you wanting to use Incremental Refresh in Power BI but need to use ODBC, native queries or something that doesn't fold properly? Adam shows you a solution for Power BI Desktop and Power BI dataflows! Native Queries https://docs.microsoft.com/power-query/native-database-query Using Incremental Refresh with dataflows https://docs.microsoft.com/power-query/dataflows/incremental-refresh Configure Increment Refresh for Datasets (includes DateKey function) https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/connect-data/incremental-refresh-configure

Natives Queries or ODBC with Incremental Refresh in Power BI2021-06-22T04:08:51-05:00

Who doesn’t like FREE Power BI Training???

There are a lot of free Power BI training options out there for business analysts and there is now training beyond that for your organization. Adam explores the new free training from the MS Stores group as well as recapping other available options. Matthew's Blog: https://ssbipolar.com/2021/06/07/free-power-bi-intro-training-from-microsoft/ Microsoft Stores Power BI Intro Training: https://www.microsoft.com/store/workshops-training-and-events/#keyword=Power%20BI Instructor Led [...]

Who doesn’t like FREE Power BI Training???2021-06-17T05:16:05-05:00

Unboxing Tabular Editor 3 | Reaction Video

It's here! Patrick does a reaction video when using Tabular Editor 3 for the first time with Power BI. To say he's excited is an understatement. Watch him take the wrapping off of Tabular Editor. Tabular Editor: https://tabulareditor.com/

Unboxing Tabular Editor 3 | Reaction Video2021-06-16T05:27:10-05:00

🔴 Tabular Editor 3 & Power BI Q&A – LIVE w/ Daniel Otykier & Marco Russo (June 12, 2021 – Take 2)

Join us live as we talk about Tabular Editor 3 and answer your questions about Power BI! With special guest, Daniel Otykier & Marco Russo! Connect with Daniel Otykier: Tabular Editor: https://tabulareditor.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DOtykier Connect with SQLBI: Website: https://sqlbi.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sqlbi Marco Russo: https://twitter.com/marcorus Alberto Ferrari: https://twitter.com/FerrariAlberto 📢 RULES FOR Q&A: 📢 👉 Put [...]

🔴 Tabular Editor 3 & Power BI Q&A – LIVE w/ Daniel Otykier & Marco Russo (June 12, 2021 – Take 2)2022-08-21T14:51:31-05:00

Tracing your DAX queries in Power BI

Learn how you can trace your DAX queries when trying to troubleshoot or optimize Power BI reports and datasets. There are a few options and Adam walks you through them. DAX Studio: https://daxstudio.org/ SQL Server Management Studio: https://docs.microsoft.com/sql/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-ssms?view=sql-server-ver15 Visualize Your Refresh: https://dax.tips/2021/02/15/visualise-your-power-bi-refresh/

Tracing your DAX queries in Power BI2021-06-10T06:01:59-05:00
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