
🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE w/ Kasper de Jonge (May 29, 2021) (Member Chat 2nd Half)

Join us live as we answer your questions about Power BI! With special guest, Kasper de Jonge! Connect with Kasper: Website: https://www.kasperonbi.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC40_DLjKbvxkhMc7N4UevkA Twitter: https://twitter.com/kjonge 📢 RULES FOR Q&A: 📢 👉 Put a "Q:" in front of your comment to help us identify questions! 👉 Super chats take priority 👉 Do NOT re-post [...]

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE w/ Kasper de Jonge (May 29, 2021) (Member Chat 2nd Half)2022-08-21T14:51:32-05:00

3+ approaches for Dynamic Axis in Power BI

There are different approaches to having a dynamic axis in Power BI. Adam walks you thought 3 way to accomplish it within your Power BI report. Patrick's Dynamic Axis video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-OWNaCUU0o Kasper's Blog: https://www.kasperonbi.com/dynamically-switching-axis-on-visuals-with-power-bi/ Patrick's Personalize Visual video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20HwiEhIShc Buttons & Bookmark playlist

3+ approaches for Dynamic Axis in Power BI2021-05-27T09:17:23-05:00

Exploring ANOMALY detection in Power BI and a SNEAK PEAK

Looking for ANOMALIES in Power BI? Justyna Lucznik walks Patrick through the new anomaly detection in Power BI and gives a SNEAK PEAK at what's coming! Anomaly detection: https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/visuals/power-bi-visualization-anomaly-detection

Exploring ANOMALY detection in Power BI and a SNEAK PEAK2021-05-26T05:17:13-05:00

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE w/ Marco Russo (May 22, 2021) (Member Chat 2nd Half)

Join us live as we answer your questions about Power BI! With special guest, Marco Russo! Connect with SQLBI: Website: https://sqlbi.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sqlbi Marco Russo: https://twitter.com/marcorus Alberto Ferrari: https://twitter.com/FerrariAlberto 📢 RULES FOR Q&A: 📢 👉 Put a "Q:" in front of your comment to help us identify questions! 👉 Super chats take priority 👉 [...]

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE w/ Marco Russo (May 22, 2021) (Member Chat 2nd Half)2022-08-21T14:51:33-05:00

My CHECKLIST for troubleshooting Power BI Performance

We OPTIMIZE PERFORMANCE on a lot of models for Power BI. And, over the years, we start with the same first few things. Adam walks you through his steps. Performance Analyzer: https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/create-reports/desktop-performance-analyzer DAX Studio: https://daxstudio.org/ Tabular Editor: https://tabulareditor.com/ Best Practice Rules: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/blog/best-practice-rules-to-improve-your-models-performance-and-design-v1-1/ Guidance Docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/guidance/ One Checkbox video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnDdDlozcdo

My CHECKLIST for troubleshooting Power BI Performance2021-05-20T06:43:55-05:00

A TWIST on dynamically filtering visuals by a slicer in Power BI

Here's a twist on dynamically filtering visuals by a slicer in Power BI! You can't use a measure directly in a slicer, so here's a way to get a similar experience and maintain usability of your reports. Scott Sewell: https://twitter.com/scottsewell BI Elite Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZAL-QPn5Zc

A TWIST on dynamically filtering visuals by a slicer in Power BI2021-05-19T05:51:02-05:00

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (May 15, 2021) (Member Chat 2nd Half)

Join us live as we answer your questions about Power BI! 💥 30 minutes: Open Q&A (Public) 💥 Then... Members Only Chat (Public can watch & Super Chat for Questions) 📢 RULES FOR Q&A: 📢 👉 Put a "Q:" in front of your comment to help us identify questions! 👉 Super chats take priority [...]

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (May 15, 2021) (Member Chat 2nd Half)2022-08-21T14:51:35-05:00

Tools to take Power BI to the NEXT LEVEL

We've mentioned them multiple times but now to bring them all together. These are the TOOLS you need to take Power BI to the NEXT LEVEL! Tools we use every day! Performance Analyzer: https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/create-reports/desktop-performance-analyzer External tools in Power BI Desktop https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/transform-model/desktop-external-tools DAX Studio: https://daxstudio.org/ Tabular Editor: https://tabulareditor.com/ Best Practice Rules: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/best-practice-rules-to-improve-your-models-performance/ ALM Toolkit: http://alm-toolkit.com/ Guidance [...]

Tools to take Power BI to the NEXT LEVEL2021-05-13T06:18:59-05:00

Test your Power BI DAX measures in DAX Studio

Learn how to get your DAX measures in working order, using DAX Studio, before putting them in your Power BI report. Patrick walks you through it! SQLBI article: https://www.sqlbi.com/articles/hiding-future-dates-for-calculations-in-dax/ Hiding Future Dates video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXd1wl-5vKI

Test your Power BI DAX measures in DAX Studio2021-05-12T06:26:53-05:00

Enable QUERY FOLDING for native queries in Power Query / Power BI

We have usually said that if you use a native query, you break query folding in Power Query. Interesting. There may be a way to enable it in Power BI! Patrick shows you how. Chris Webb Blog: https://blog.crossjoin.co.uk/2021/02/21/query-folding-on-sql-queries-in-power-query-using-value-nativequery-and-enablefoldingtrue/ Query folding guidance in Power BI Desktop https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/guidance/power-query-folding Visualise your Power BI Refresh https://dax.tips/2021/02/15/visualise-your-power-bi-refresh/

Enable QUERY FOLDING for native queries in Power Query / Power BI2021-05-06T04:43:14-05:00
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