
🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (Jan 30, 2021) (Member Chat 2nd Half)

Join us live as we answer your questions about Power BI! 💥 30 minutes: Open Q&A (Public) 💥 Then... Members Only Chat (Public can watch & Super Chat for Questions) 📢 RULES FOR Q&A: 📢 👉 Put a "Q:" in front of your comment to help us identify questions! 👉 Super chats take priority [...]

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (Jan 30, 2021) (Member Chat 2nd Half)2022-08-21T14:51:45-05:00

Power BI Get Data: Import vs. DirectQuery vs. Live (2021)

Import vs. DirectQuery vs. Live connection. Which do you choose and why in Power BI? Adam looks at the three options when creating reports in Power BI Desktop including composite models. Power BI Data Sources: https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/connect-data/power-bi-data-sources Star Schema: https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/guidance/star-schema DirectQuery model guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/guidance/directquery-model-guidance Composite Model guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/guidance/composite-model-guidance DirectQuery for Power BI Datasets video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSyYegfA6PQ

Power BI Get Data: Import vs. DirectQuery vs. Live (2021)2021-01-28T07:58:07-05:00

Avoid the full refresh with Incremental Refresh in Power BI (Premium)

Is the full refresh of Incremental Refresh taking a long time? Or, even timing out? Patrick shows you how you can avoid the full refresh and refresh each partition individually when using Power BI Premium! Handling deletes within Incremental Refresh in Power BI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKVrl0ec6uE SQL Server Management Studio: https://docs.microsoft.com/sql/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-ssms?view=sql-server-ver15 ALM Toolkit: http://alm-toolkit.com/ XMLA Endpoint: https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/admin/service-premium-connect-tools

Avoid the full refresh with Incremental Refresh in Power BI (Premium)2021-01-27T07:34:27-05:00

🔴 Power BI Deployment, Governance and Q&A with Melissa Coates – LIVE (Jan 23, 2021)

Join us live with Melissa Coates as she shares some knowledge about Power BI deployment and governance followed by Q&A. 📢 RULES FOR Q&A: 📢 👉 Put a "Q:" in front of your comment to help us identify questions! 👉 Super chats take priority 👉 Do NOT re-post your questions! We'll get to as [...]

🔴 Power BI Deployment, Governance and Q&A with Melissa Coates – LIVE (Jan 23, 2021)2022-08-21T14:53:21-05:00

Create your first Power BI report

New to Power BI? Adam helps you get started with creating your first Power BI report in Power BI Desktop! Start your journey the right way! Guy in a Cube Blueprint Course: https://guyinacu.be/pbiblueprint Star Schema: https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi/guidance/star-schema Star Schema Book: https://amzn.to/38JQJqq Definitive Guide to DAX: https://amzn.to/2MTIi3h Power BI Blog: https://blog.powerbi.com Power BI documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/power-bi Power BI [...]

Create your first Power BI report2021-01-21T08:17:27-05:00

Do I need to be an expert in Power Query M?

Maybe you've heard of Power Query M in Microsoft Excel, Power BI or something else. Do you really need to be an expert in that? Or even use it? Patrick helps to ease your mind!

Do I need to be an expert in Power Query M?2021-01-20T07:01:42-05:00

All about DAX and data modeling in Power BI… (Roundup | Jan 18, 2021)

Thanks for watching this week's Power BI news roundup! Last weeks roundup: https://guyinacu.be/roundup203 Patrick's tech video: https://guyinacu.be/paginated2021 Adam's tech video: https://guyinacu.be/whatispowerbi 🔴 Live Replay: https://guyinacu.be/live037 📢 Become a member: https://guyinacu.be/membership Sources DAX Studio 2.14 Release (@darrengosbell) ALM Toolkit in Power BI (@HowToPowerBI) Why is DAX so difficult to learn? (@CurbalEN) Exploring new [...]

All about DAX and data modeling in Power BI… (Roundup | Jan 18, 2021)2021-01-18T11:01:42-05:00

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (Jan 16, 2021) (Member Chat 2nd Half)

Join us live as we answer your questions about Power BI! 💥 30 minutes: Open Q&A (Public) 💥 Then... Members Only Chat (Public can watch & Super Chat for Questions) 📢 RULES FOR Q&A: 📢 👉 Put a "Q:" in front of your comment to help us identify questions! 👉 Super chats take priority [...]

🔴 Power BI tips from the Pros – LIVE (Jan 16, 2021) (Member Chat 2nd Half)2022-08-21T14:53:22-05:00

What is Power BI? (2021)

You have heard of Power BI, but not quite sure what it actually is. You probably come from Excel land and want to know more about how you can take your data to the next level. Adam summarizes the Power BI platform to help you understand how it fits into your business and work flow. [...]

What is Power BI? (2021)2021-01-14T07:35:05-05:00

Getting started with Power BI Paginated Reports (2021)

Not sure what Power BI Paginated Reports are or how to use them? Patrick walks you through and points you to some great resources to get up and running quickly. Power BI Paginated Reports require either Power BI Premium Per User or Power BI Premium capacity. References Paginated Report In a Day Training Paginated Samples [...]

Getting started with Power BI Paginated Reports (2021)2021-01-13T08:02:05-05:00
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