
Power BI App Navigation

See how to create and use App Navigation in Power BI. You can control the navigation area when publishing Power BI Apps. Even include external content with your apps!

Power BI App Navigation2019-05-29T10:05:55-05:00

Power BI App Nav, TopN, Report Server, Perf and more… (May 27, 2019)

Thanks for watching this week's Power BI news roundup! Last weeks roundup: https://guyinacu.be/roundup139 Tech Video: https://guyinacu.be/time Sources Power BI – Dynamic TopN + Others with Drill-Down (@gbrueckl) Reviewing the Performance Analyzer in Power BI (@HavensBI) Power BI Report Server May 2019 Feature Summary How to govern Power BI visuals inside your organization Designing custom navigation [...]

Power BI App Nav, TopN, Report Server, Perf and more… (May 27, 2019)2019-05-27T10:05:20-05:00

Power BI Desktop update, Gateway monitoring, time intelligence and more… (May 20, 2019)

Thanks for watching this week's Power BI news roundup! Last weeks roundup: https://guyinacu.be/roundup138 Tech video: https://guyinacu.be/relativedates Channel Update: https://guyinacu.be/channelupdatemay2019 What's in my backpack: https://guyinacu.be/50kthankyou Source Automatic time intelligence in Power BI (@FerrariAlberto) NEW GATEWAY MONITORING (@BrettPowell76) Creating a Slicer Pop-Out Window with Bookmarks in Power BI (@HavensBI) Trusted Third Party Connectors for Power BI Power [...]

Power BI Desktop update, Gateway monitoring, time intelligence and more… (May 20, 2019)2019-05-20T10:05:13-05:00

Power BI: Use DAX to get relative dates

Patrick looks at how you can get relative dates, in Power BI Desktop, without using the relative date slicer or relative date filters. You just need to sprinkle a little DAX into Power BI Desktop to get this going!

Power BI: Use DAX to get relative dates2019-05-15T10:05:27-05:00

Channel Update – May 2019

We wanted to let you know that we are dropping down to two videos a week, from four. We will be releasing two videos a week for about the next two months. Monday will be the roundup and Wednesday will be the tech video from either Patrick or Adam. This is to free up bandwidth [...]

Channel Update – May 20192019-05-14T10:05:52-05:00

Power BI Updates, tips and tricks and more… (May 13, 2019)

Thanks for watching this week's Power BI news roundup! Last weeks roundup: https://guyinacu.be/roundup137 2 Minute Tuesday: https://guyinacu.be/multiselecttitles Patrick's tech video: https://guyinacu.be/kpiscorecard Adam's tech video: https://guyinacu.be/columnprofiling SQL Saturday Atlanta: https://www.sqlsaturday.com/845/eventhome.aspx DAX Training: - https://sqlbi.com - https://www.youtube.com/curbalen - https://exceleratorbi.com.au/ - https://radacad.com/ Sources CREATE A DYNAMIC TITLE IN POWER BI (UPDATED) (@LindsayPinchot) Move Your Shared Tables to Dataflow; [...]

Power BI Updates, tips and tricks and more… (May 13, 2019)2019-05-13T10:05:39-05:00

Column Profiling in Power BI Desktop

Adam walks through column profiling within the Power BI Desktop. This includes the latest updates with the general availability (GA) within the April 2019 Power BI Desktop release. Demo files: https://guyinacu.be/demofiles

Column Profiling in Power BI Desktop2019-05-09T10:05:09-05:00

Power BI: Build a custom KPI scorecard

Patrick walks you through how you can use Power BI to build a custom KPI scorecard. The key is the UNICHAR DAX function. Demo files: https://guyinacu.be/demofiles

Power BI: Build a custom KPI scorecard2019-05-08T10:05:17-05:00
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