Thanks for watching this week’s Power BI news roundup!

Last weeks roundup:
2 Minute Tuesday:
Patrick’s tech video:
Adam’s tech video:


DAX 101: Summing values for the total (@FerrariAlberto)

Power Query Memory Usage, Dataflow Container Size And Refresh Performance (@cwebb_bi)

Creating a Fiscal Saturday Calendar (@kpuls)

Governance settings for Power BI cache refreshes from Azure Analysis Services

E-Mail Subscriptions for Paginated Reports is Now Available


Analyzing Office 365 Photo EXIF data using Power BI (@tgatte)

Reposition Report Canvas in Power BI Desktop (@ExceleratorBI)

E-mail the selected record in #powerbi with #powerapps and #flow and include a CSV File with the records (@donsvensen)

What Does XMLA Endpoints Mean for Power BI and How to Test it for Free? (@biinsightnz)

Export data from Power Query to Local Machine or SQL Server using R scripts (@leila_etaati)