
Power BI Slicers vs Filters – which will you choose?

Adam picks up on David Eldersveld's blog about Power BI slicers versus filters and looks at if slicers are even needed now. The filter pane can satisfy a majority of scenarios. There are a few that it can't. Which Power BI feature will you choose? David Eldersveld blog

Power BI Slicers vs Filters – which will you choose?2019-01-31T10:05:09-05:00

Power BI query reduction when using DirectQuery

Using DirectQuery in Power BI? Things slowing down and you want to make interactions snappier? Patrick looks how you can change a few settings to take the experience within Power BI to the next level!

Power BI query reduction when using DirectQuery2019-01-30T10:05:57-05:00

Excel and OneDrive with Power BI For Collaboration

In this 2 minute Tuesday, Patrick looks at how to use Excel and OneDrive with Power BI For Collaboration. Using this approach, you can easily keep Power BI updated when team members update an Excel spreadsheet hosted on OneDrive. This is a great alternative to using Google Sheets which can be painful to use with [...]

Excel and OneDrive with Power BI For Collaboration2019-01-29T10:05:50-05:00

Power BI Roadmap, DAX Games, Gateway management and more… (January 28, 2019)

Temple of DAX – 3D (@PhilSeamark) Curbal Tech News on Dataflows (@CurbalEN) Power BI Roadmap Announcements In The April 2019 Release Notes (@cwebb_bi) Business Applications Release Notes On-premises data gateway management in the Power platform admin center Power BI Report Server Update – January 2019 Paginated Report Bear has big news! BONUS ITEMS: Storytelling with [...]

Power BI Roadmap, DAX Games, Gateway management and more… (January 28, 2019)2019-01-28T10:05:39-05:00

Power BI Embed Token Using PowerShell

In this video, Adam shows an easier approach to get a Power BI Embed Token using PowerShell. This removes the headache of writing code or having to worry about an authentication token. Power BI Embedded Playground Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod Documentation GenerateToken for Reports in a Group PowerShell download

Power BI Embed Token Using PowerShell2019-01-24T10:05:45-05:00

Power BI Secure Embed – a no code / low code option

In this video, Patrick looks at the new Power BI Secure Embed. If you have been using Publish to Web internally, you need to look at this feature as it is the perfect replacement that adds a secure option for easy, frictionless, embedding.

Power BI Secure Embed – a no code / low code option2019-01-23T10:05:13-05:00

Power BI Desktop install options (Windows Store vs MSI)

In this 2 minute Tuesday, we look at the install options for Power BI Desktop. Depending on how you installed it may solve, or create, challenges for you when you need to update.

Power BI Desktop install options (Windows Store vs MSI)2019-01-22T10:05:49-05:00

Power BI Slicers, Dataflows, Personal Bookmarks and more… (January 21, 2019)

Another week, another roundup! Some good updates in this weeks video. Grab a coffee (or tea) and pull up to get the latest about #PowerBI ?? Are Power BI Slicers Still Relevant with the New Filter Pane? (@dataveld) Power BI Data Privacy Levels And Cloud /Web-Based Data Sources Or Dataflows (@cwebb_bi) Power BI Developer community [...]

Power BI Slicers, Dataflows, Personal Bookmarks and more… (January 21, 2019)2019-01-21T10:05:38-05:00

Build a Slicer Panel in Power BI

Some folks had questions about how we built the slicer panel in Power BI from a previous video. In this video, Adam walks you through how to do exactly that in Power BI Desktop.

Build a Slicer Panel in Power BI2019-01-17T10:05:56-05:00
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