
Languages and timelines in Power BI and previews

Hurricane Harvey Donations: American Red Cross Salvation Army Humane Society Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund Roundup Items: Context Transition in DAX/Power BI: A Visual Guide (@csgpro) Multilanguage Multilingual reports in Power BI (@CurbalEN) Introducing per-user usage metrics: know your audience and amplify your impact Create interactive timeline visualizations for your data with the new timeline storyteller community [...]

Languages and timelines in Power BI and previews2017-08-31T10:05:16-05:00

Eclipse, culture, Power BI updates and a contest!

Changing the culture of a Power BI Desktop file (@marcorus) Solar Eclipse 2017 In Power BI (@datachant) Power BI Developer community August update Power BI On-premises data gateway August update Show us your creative What If and win swag!   BONUS ITEMS: PREPARING FOR MICROSOFT CERTIFICATION EXAM 70-778: ANALYZING AND VISUALIZING DATA WITH MICROSOFT POWER [...]

Eclipse, culture, Power BI updates and a contest!2017-08-24T10:05:04-05:00

Ragged Hierarchies in Analysis Services with Power BI and Excel

In this video, Patrick looks at the ragged hierarchy problem within Excel and Power BI when you are pulling data from Analysis Services. He looks at how you can correct the issue easily within Excel and some alternatives for Power BI.

Ragged Hierarchies in Analysis Services with Power BI and Excel2017-08-23T10:05:38-05:00

The Case of the Scribble Line Chart in Power BI

In this video, Adam looks at a funky line chart and how it got to be that way. This is a live tile within a Power BI Dashboard based on a streaming dataset. Microsoft Flow is pushing data from Twitter into the Power BI Streaming Dataset. Brian Gregor brought this to Adam's attention and helped [...]

The Case of the Scribble Line Chart in Power BI2017-08-08T10:05:10-05:00

Pivot, Join Types, PowerApps with Power BI and more…

Pivot your Data using Power Query (@Datatouille) Analyzing a Blockchain Database with Power BI – Introducing SteemitSQL (@TheExcelClub) Visualizing Merge Join Types in Power BI (@SQLJason) Power BI Service and Mobile July Feature Summary PowerApps and Power BI, together at last BONUS ITEMS: New function and the importance of variables in #dax (@marcorus) DYNAMICALLY UPDATE [...]

Pivot, Join Types, PowerApps with Power BI and more…2017-08-03T10:47:56-05:00

Fixing Power BI Quick Measures – Time calculations

In this video, Patrick shows how you can fix quick measures that break when you use dates with time calculations. Patrick referenced a blog from Kasper de Jong. You can find that here: Use the Power BI quick calcs with your own date table

Fixing Power BI Quick Measures – Time calculations2017-08-02T10:31:45-05:00

Power BI Premium resources and external users

In this video, Adam takes a look at a question/comment that was posed to him. The idea of how to restrict external users from using your Power BI Premium resources. You can share things to external users and Premium is about content, not users. So, what happens when you share a dashboard with an external [...]

Power BI Premium resources and external users2017-08-01T11:57:18-05:00
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