
Want a custom LEGEND for your Power BI visual? WATCH THIS!

Do you need a custom legend for your Power BI visual and not sure how to put one together? Have a look at how you can build a legend for your conditional formatting. Download sample

Want a custom LEGEND for your Power BI visual? WATCH THIS!2020-02-03T08:12:09-05:00

Power BI shared dataset NOT DISAPPEARING!

Frustrated that the Power BI shared dataset isn't going away after deleting the report built on it? Patrick looks at what is going on.

Power BI shared dataset NOT DISAPPEARING!2020-01-28T09:40:04-05:00

What the heck is a MEASURE TABLE in Power BI???

Ever wonder what a measure table is in Power BI? Or how to create one? This is a great way to organize the measures within your data model in Power BI Desktop! Download sample

What the heck is a MEASURE TABLE in Power BI???2020-01-14T07:56:43-05:00
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