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Boost DAX Performance in Power BI with Dual Mode


Don't ignore Dual Mode! If you are leveraging DirectQuery and Import in your Power BI semantic model, you could have some performance problems you aren't aware of. Patrick shows you what's going on!

Boost DAX Performance in Power BI with Dual Mode2024-04-04T06:06:42-05:00

Power BI Tips: Excluding Top N with DAX


Someone asked how to exclude Top N results within Power BI. Patrick goes on an adventure to explain using DAX. DAX Query View to the rescue!

Power BI Tips: Excluding Top N with DAX2024-02-01T09:18:17-05:00

Thinking about your DAX Queries like a SQL Query in Power BI


Coming to Power BI with SQL experience? Trying to learn DAX? Patrick shows you how to think about your DAX Queries like a SQL Query in Power BI. We hope this helps you to create DAX Queries that are much more accurate and effective!

Thinking about your DAX Queries like a SQL Query in Power BI2024-01-03T08:18:46-05:00

Boost your productivity with DAX Query View in Power BI Desktop!


We got a new DAX Query view within Power BI Desktop and it's INSANE AMAZING! Patrick shows how you can leverage the new feature. Work with DAX query view https://learn.microsoft.com/power-bi/transform-model/dax-query-view Power BI November 2023 Feature Summary https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-bi-november-2023-feature-summary/#post-25061-_Toc150157949 Deep dive into DAX query view and writing DAX queries https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/deep-dive-into-dax-query-view-and-writing-dax-queries/

Boost your productivity with DAX Query View in Power BI Desktop!2023-12-06T08:42:05-05:00

Power BI has Copilot already? For DAX it does!


We saw the video for Copilot in Microsoft Fabric. Copilot for Power BI is coming! But is it here already? Patrick shows one Copilot experience that's already in Power BI Desktop! Quick measure suggestions https://learn.microsoft.com/power-bi/transform-model/quick-measure-suggestions

Power BI has Copilot already? For DAX it does!2023-08-22T17:09:24-05:00

Digging into DYNAMIC format strings for DAX Measures in Power BI


DYNAMIC format strings recently were made available for DAX Measures in Power BI Desktop! Zoe walks us through how you can use these to enhance your reports! Create dynamic format strings for measures https://learn.microsoft.com/power-bi/create-reports/desktop-dynamic-format-strings Zoe Douglas https://www.linkedin.com/in/zoedouglas-data/ https://twitter.com/DataZoePowerBI

Digging into DYNAMIC format strings for DAX Measures in Power BI2023-06-22T07:46:15-05:00

Understanding the TIMELINE in DAX Studio


We brought Marco in to help explain the TIMELINE update within DAX Studio. This can help you understand performance a bit deeper when optimizing your DAX and models. This is one to watch! DAX Studio https://daxstudio.org Marco Russo https://twitter.com/marcorus https://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlbi/ https://sqlbi.com Optimizing DAX Video Course https://www.sqlbi.com/p/optimizing-dax-video-course/

Understanding the TIMELINE in DAX Studio2023-06-14T08:12:46-05:00

Time to look at the new INDEX function in DAX and Power BI


The latest DAX functions in Power BI can be very "power"ful! Patrick starts by looking at the INDEX function to solve a customer problem! Blog announcement: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/blog/power-bi-december-2022-feature-summary/#post-21693-_Toc121395731 INDEX function (DAX) https://learn.microsoft.com/dax/index-function-dax WINDOW function (DAX) https://learn.microsoft.com/dax/window-function-dax Chris Webb's Blog https://blog.crossjoin.co.uk/2023/01/02/why-dax-window-functions-are-important-for-performance-in-power-bi-directquery-mode/ Jeffrey Wang's Blogs on Window Function https://pbidax.wordpress.com/2022/12/15/introducing-dax-window-functions-part-1/ https://pbidax.wordpress.com/2022/12/23/introducing-dax-window-functions-part-2/

Time to look at the new INDEX function in DAX and Power BI2023-02-08T09:15:44-05:00

Writing some DAX while looking at Relationships


Every struggle with writing DAX and having to flip between the report view and the model view in Power BI Desktop? The struggle was real! Patrick shows you a new update that overcomes this!

Writing some DAX while looking at Relationships2022-11-13T18:38:22-05:00
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